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Audit Data

Audit Data  is used to view and export audit trails generated based on the "Audit Setup ".

  1. Users can filter the records using the "Date Filters ".
  2. Users can search the grids for records.       
    1. The page will load the number rows based on the configuration  "Maximum number of rows returned in Audit Data" under "Company Administration - Configuration - System Audit Data Max Rows". 
    2. It is recommended to export data to search from all records.
  3. Users can use the SSMS tool to query the audit data table to find out the actual source that triggered the change.


  1. Audit Data Report - The report contains all changes made in system.
    1. The report can be generated with below filters:
    2. Date
    3. Table - This is the table name in the database
    4. Username
    5. Machine Name
    6. Search - This is an open text field. Users can search for records by searching for a "Word" or "Code".  
  2. Users can schedule the report to automatically email the audit data. For example, an email is sent to the IT department end of every day with the audit report.

Steps to View Audit Data

  1. Select the Audit Table
  2. Select the Date Range
  3. Click on the "Search" button. The will load the data in the "Audit Data" section. Refer to Figure 1.

How to read the Audit Data

  1. The audit data keeps track of new, modified and deleted records. It also captures any changes made through SQL  scripts. Referring to Figure 1:
    1. Sequence ID 1 shows that month "January" is added to calendar 2022 . The "Action" column reads "Inserted".
    2. Sequence IDs 2 and 3 show that the description of the month was changed from "January" to "Jan". The "Action" columns reads "Update From" and "Update To".
    3. Sequence ID 4 shows that the period for "January" was removed from the calendar. The "Action" column reads "Deleted".
    4. Sequence IDs 5 and 6 show that the record was modified using a script where the "Program Name" is updated with source as "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query".

Steps to Export Audit Data

  1. Select the Audit Table
  2. Select the Date Range
  3. Click on the "Search" button. The will load the data in the "Audit Data" section.
  4. Click the option to export to either "PDF", "XLS", "XLSX", "DOCX", "RTF" or "CSV". 
    1. This will download file in the selected format.

Figure 1: Audit Data